

Exciting news! You can now kickstart emergency evacuations right from your EmergencyOS module. If you don't see the EmergencyOS module available yet, don't worry. We've got a quick solution for you: 

  1. 1. Navigate to your VisitorOS module. 

  1. 2. Look for the red bell icon located at the top right-hand corner of the page, right next to the Settings option. 

  1. 3. Click on it, and a popup screen will appear (check out the image below for reference). 

  1. 4. Simply select the "Go to EmergencyOS" button. 


Voilà! You'll be seamlessly transported to your EmergencyOS module, where you can efficiently manage all your emergency evacuations.  


Please reach out to support at support@ilobby.com for any questions or assistance! 


How do I start an evacuation?

There are 3 ways to start an emergency evacuation; the iLobby portal, iPad and mobile app. You can start an evacuation through the portal and the iPad device with both the basic tier and the corporate tier. If you have the corporate tier you can start the emergency evacuation through the mobile app.

Follow these easy steps to initiate an evacuation:

1.     Sign in to your iLobby portal for EmergencyOS by following this link. (https://emergencyos.goilobby.com/)

2.     Start the evacuation by selecting "Start Evacuation" at the bottom left corner.

3.     Pick the desired site for the evacuation.

4.     Select the designated mustering point.

5.     Specify the nature of the emergency.

6.     Feel free to compose a customized message for your customers. This will be sent by email.

7.     Press "Start Evacuation" to begin the process.

That's it! The evacuation will be initiated promptly. Remember, you have the flexibility to stop the evacuation anytime by clicking on "Finish Evacuation."

Who will get notified of the evacuation?

Your evacuation experience can be tailored to your specific needs!

Depending on the setup of your Emergency Profile, you have two notification options to choose from:

1.     Employees with unknown status

By selecting this option, notifications will be sent to everyone in your address book who are not signed in.

2.     Everyone who is signed-in:

Opting for this choice enables notifications to be sent exclusively to employees and visitors who have signed in on the day of the evacuation. This ensures that only those present on the premises at that time receive the evacuation notification.

Please note, only the individuals who get a notification there is an emergency evacuation will be a part of the evacuation procedure. You can easily access these options in the Emergency Profile of your site, under Employee / Host Notification Method(s), allowing you to customize your evacuation strategy according to your requirements.

How do I know who I should check on to make sure they are safe?

We understand the importance of providing you with full control over your evacuation procedures. With EmergencyOS, you have the flexibility to configure your preferences in the Emergency Profile of your site, under the "Send List of Signed-in Visitors to Host" section within your emergency profile.

Here are the available options for sending the visitor list to the host:

1.     Disable: If you choose this option, no information will be sent to the hosts. This ensures that hosts do not receive any details about the signed-in visitors.

2.     All Site Visitors: By selecting this option, the host will receive a comprehensive list of all visitors who have signed in through the iLobby kiosk. This allows the hosts to have an overview of all visitors present on-site during the evacuation.

3.     Host's Own Visitors Only: Opting for this choice ensures that hosts only receive a list of visitors who are specifically assigned to them. This provides the hosts with focused information about their assigned visitors during the evacuation.

You can easily configure these options within your site’s Emergency Profile, giving you the freedom to choose the most suitable approach for sharing visitor information with the host.


What is Automatic Roll Call?

Ensure seamless communication during emergencies with the Automatic Roll Call feature! This is an additional add on for the EmergencyOS feature, if you do not have this, please reach out to your iLobby Account Executive to add this to your package.

Automatic roll call facilitates a two-way communication channel between the safety officer or admin and all employees and visitors, who are part of the evacuation procedure via SMS. When this feature is enabled, everyone on-site will receive an SMS notification, notifying them that an evacuation has started and instructing them to proceed to the designated mustering point.

This feature empowers employees and signed-in visitors to provide status updates directly to the safety officer. They have four options to choose from:

1.     Evacuating: Select this option to indicate that you are in the process of evacuating the premises.

2.     Assistance Required: Choose this option if you need any form of assistance during the evacuation.

3.     At Mustering Point: Use this option to notify the safety officer that you have reached the designated mustering point.

4.     Out of Office: Select this option if you are not currently on-site and unable to participate in the evacuation.

As soon as employees or visitors send their status update, the safety officer receives real-time updates, allowing them to monitor the situation effectively.

At iLobby, we prioritize your safety and strive to provide efficient communication tools during critical moments. Our Automatic Roll Call feature ensures that everyone remains connected and accounted for during emergencies.

What is a mustering point and how do I set them?

A mustering point is a designated location where all employees and visitors gather in case of an emergency. It serves as a safe area away from potential dangers. Depending on the size of your workplace, there may be multiple mustering points. It's crucial for your safety officer to inform you about the specific mustering point assigned to you.

To set up a mustering point, follow these simple steps:

1.     Sign in to your iLobby portal for EmergencyOS by following this link: (https://emergencyos.goilobby.com/)

2.     On the left-hand side, select "Sites."

3.     Click the site you want to add a mustering point for.

4.     Click on "Add Mustering Point” at the bottom of the page.

5.     Follow the prompts and enter the address for the mustering point.

6.     Select "Save."

Please note that when employees receive an SMS evacuation message, it will only indicate the mustering point (e.g., Mustering Point A) without specific instructions on how to reach it. It is essential for all employees and visitors to be familiar with the location of their designated mustering point.

At iLobby, we prioritize your safety and ensure that setting up and knowing your mustering point is a straightforward process. Stay prepared and informed during emergencies with iLobby's efficient mustering point management.


Who is a Safety Officer?

Ensuring a smooth evacuation process is a top priority, which is why the admin takes charge of configuring the EmergencyOS settings. The safety officer's primary responsibility is to manage the evacuation process rather than handle the EmergencyOS setup.

To assign a safety officer within your organization, they must be added in the system as a user or employee.

1.     On the left-hand side, navigate to Setting and select "Users."

2.     In the search field, enter the email address of the intended safety officer.

3.     Once found, you can assign them as the safety officer for your organization.


Please note, if you do not see the person you are searching for you can add them 3 different ways:

1.     They can already exist in the Address Book in VisitorsOS

2.     They can also be included in the User List within your VisitorsOS module.

3.     You can add them within the EmergencyOS module. On the left hand side select visitor and employees > employee list > add employee. Please note, if you are adding an employee through the EmergencyOS module it will not sync up with the Address Book or User List in VisitorOS so the best way to add someone is to add them in the Address Book in vOS.

We understand the importance of clearly defining roles and responsibilities during emergencies. By following these steps, you can designate a dedicated safety officer to lead the evacuation efforts and ensure the safety of all personnel involved.

What is an Emergency Profile?

Customize your evacuation experience with different emergency profiles!

An Emergency Profile is a collection of settings that you can tailor and assign to a specific site. This feature empowers you to input precise details for the type of evacuation you want to conduct. Here's what you can configure within an Emergency Profile:

1.     Notification Recipients: Specify who should be notified during the evacuation. You have the flexibility to choose individuals or groups based on your specific requirements.

2.     Notification Methods: Determine how you want the evacuation notifications to be delivered. You can opt for email, SMS (text message), or both, ensuring that the recipients receive the notifications in their preferred mode of communication.

3.     Nature of the Emergency: Provide specific details regarding the nature of the emergency, allowing recipients to have a clear understanding of the situation.

It's important to note that you can create multiple Emergency Profiles for a single site if you have the corporate package. If you have the basic package, you can only have 1 emergency profile per site. This flexibility enables you to configure different evacuation scenarios based on varying circumstances or areas within your premises.

With Emergency Profiles, you have full control over customizing your evacuation protocols according to your specific needs. Prioritize the safety of your employees and visitors by implementing tailored evacuation settings through our user-friendly interface.

Managing Multiple-site evacuations 

We're excited to announce a new feature that's all about your safety and convenience. For our customers with more than one site in their account, managing evacuations just got easier. Now, you can trigger and oversee multiple evacuations directly from the EmergencyOS mobile app. 

Who can access this feature? Safety Officers and administrators with access to the designated sites.  

Note: You cannot kick off two evacuations simultaneously. No worries, though! Just start each evacuation separately from the individual site, and you're good to go. In order to trigger and manage evacuations in the mobile app for sites, ensure that all selected sites are under the Corporate tier.

Here's how it works: 

Log into your iLobby mobile app and select “evacuation 

  1. 1. Press the “Blue Action’ button located at the bottom of the screen, select a site, mustering points and nature of emergency - click on the Start Evacuation button. 

  1. 2. For starting an additional evacuation, follow instructions provided in step 2 

  1. 3. To manage and switch between multiple evacuations, click on the Site Selector at the top of the screen: e.g. Head Office 



Voilà! Now you have the power to manage multiple evacuations simultaneously, ensuring the safety of all your sites efficiently. 

How do I get a report on my recent evacuation? 

At iLobby, we believe in empowering our administrators and Safety Officers with the tools they need to ensure everyone's safety. That's why we've introduced a powerful feature that allows you to access downloadable reports in both CSV and XLS formats, providing a chronological breakdown of every evacuee status for each evacuation. 

Here's how you can harness this valuable resource: 

  1. 1. Access your EmergencyOS module in your iLobby portal. 

  1. 2. Navigate to "Mustering History" on the left sidebar. 

  1. 3. Look for the download arrow, as illustrated in the image below. 

  1. 4. Choose whether you prefer the file in CSV or Excel format. 

And just like that, you'll have at your fingertips a detailed report for that specific evacuation. This capability empowers you to investigate, trace, and report on the entire evacuation journey for any individual, ensuring your safety protocols are top-notch.  



How do I edit contact details on eOS and not vOS? 

Do you need to capture additional details in a contact record within EmergencyOS? We've got you covered. You can now unlock and manage contact records right from EmergencyOS. Keep in mind that once you unlock a contact, it won't synchronize with FacilityOS's Address Book anymore. 

Here's how to do it:

      1. Navigate to your EmergencyOS module. 
      2. On the left-hand side, select "Visitors & Employees." 
      3. Choose "Employee List." 
      4. Find the name of the employee you want to update. 
      5. To open the employee's profile, click on the "lock" icon located to the right of their name.
      6. At the top of the employee profile, you'll see a red unlock button. Click on it. 

It's important to note that once you unlock and make edits to the employee's profile, this action is irreversible. Additionally, the employee profile won't sync with your FacilityOS Address Book anymore. 

Now you have the flexibility to tailor your contact records in EmergencyOS to suit your specific needs.  

Why are some buttons greyed out?  

If you've noticed that certain buttons aren't clickable and appear greyed out, it's because these awesome features are currently not accessible with your current iLobby account. Don't worry, though – you can unlock them with an account upgrade! 

Reach out to your dedicated Account Manager today for a quote and start enjoying all the premium features at your fingertips!  

What are the differences between basic tier and corporate tier?