Scope and Purpose of
this Document
This document is created to outline
possible ways of integrating the iLobby Address Book with various available
Enterprise systems for the purpose of automation of data entry and
maintenance. The goal is to keep the
iLobby Address Book updated with latest employee data via sync with another
business system. The approach must be
secure, efficient and maintain the desired level of compliance and
Security and
Confidentiality of Data
This document falls under iLobby’s privacy
and security policies which mandate sufficient level of encryption and data
segmentation to be present throughout the platform. For the purpose of this document following
guidelines are to be followed:
- Minimum of TLS 1.2 encryption to be used
for all data transfers
- All data submissions must be uniquely
tokenized or identified using a unique key ID and secret, issued to a specific client. Client may have more than one key, but each key can only be assigned to one client.
- Expired key/tokens are not to be re-used
- All data must travel from the customer
system, directly into protected area of iLobby.
No middle servers/repositories are to be used, unless they are in-scope
and makeup the iLobby platform. Under no
circumstances will iLobby request the client to post data to an insecure
server, even temporarily.
- VPN and IP restricted connections may be
used to further safeguard the data
Synchronizing Data
By default, all data pushed through any of the synchronization
mechanisms outlined in this document will take precedence and will overwrite
data manually entered. If empty fields
are submitted, they will be ignored and they will not overwrite data already stored. Data is synchronized based on the email
address of the address book entry. Each
sync will add new records to the address book and will mark records not present
in the sync as “disabled”.
Few options are available for clients looking to sync address books for
multiple locations. If this is a
requirement, please contact
for available options.
Integration Option:
Azure / Office 365
iLobby supports direct to Azure/Office 365
integration. This integration will
expose the entire contents of the AD to iLobby on “read only” basis.
When requested, iLobby will provide the Client
with a web url residing on iLobby platform. This url, when clicked, will
attempt to connect the iLobby server with your hosted AD. In order to
authenticate the connection, the user will have to enter their AD credentials,
which have to allow for access to AD contents. Permission request will be
displayed (some items may be duplicated). Once the connection is authorized by the user, iLobby will be
issued a token by Azure/Office 365. This
token will be used to establish an ongoing connection and to extract the AD
information. iLobby Enterprise App will also appear in your Azure control
panel to denote that the connection has been made. You will be able to remove it when no longer
Please see Sample Office 365 Integration
Screens at the end of this document for additional detail.
Integration Option:
Locally hosted AD
iLobby address book can be populated with AD
data by running the provided powershell script (see attachment) on the customer
server. This is a push action, where
customer fully controls what data is pushed to the iLobby server and at what
frequency. As a guideline, we recommend
that only relevant data is submitted and that frequency is set at once per day.
When requested, iLobby will provide the Client
with an API key to be used for transmission.
The key is to be inserted into the required part of the provided
powershell script. The script may be
modified to reflect the customer’s AD structure and consists of the following
main parts:
- Querying AD for a list of users with
specified fields and within specified AD groups
- Creation of a CSV file containing the list
- Upload of the CSV file to iLobby Web API
using the issued key
Multiple sites may be synched using a single CSV file by specifying the correct site as per the sample format below, or by requesting unique API keys for each site in order to submit separate, site specific, CSV files.
Integration Option:
Custom Integration
iLobby address book can be populated with
data from any source by submitting a pre-formatted CSV file to the iLobby API.
As a guideline, we recommend that only relevant data is submitted and that
frequency is set at once per day.
When requested, iLobby will provide the
Client and an API key to be used for transmission and the format for the URL
request. The CSV file submitted must
meet iLobby format standards in order to be processed. Sample format is attached.
Sample PowerShell Script:
Please see below the example of the updated PowerShell script for
.CSV Address Book sync.
- $OULocation="OU=Users,DC=TOR"
- $client_id = ''
- $client_secret = ''
- $sourceFilePath = $PSScriptRoot + "\adextract.csv"
- $fields = @('mail','DisplayName','telephoneNumber','HomePhone')
- Import-Module ActiveDirectory
- $Users = Get-ADUser -Filter {Enabled -eq "True"} -SearchBase $OULocation -SearchScope Subtree -Properties $fields | select $fields
- $Users | Export-Csv $sourceFilePath -NoTypeInformation -Force
- <# GET TOKEN #>
- $headers=@{}
- $headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
- $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -Method POST -Headers $headers -Body "grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=$($client_id)&client_secret=$($client_secret)"
- $token = ConvertFrom-Json $response.Content
- $access_token = $token.access_token
- [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12;
- $urlDest = "";
- $webClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient;
- $webClient.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
- $webClient.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer $($access_token)");
- $resp = $webClient.UploadFile($urlDest, "POST", $sourceFilePath);
- $enc = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII
- $enc.GetString($resp)
!!! When including the "SITE" column, please make sure that the values for all records match the site names in the iLobby portal.
Sample Office 365
Integration Screens
When requested, iLobby support will provide
the client with a unique integration link for establishing the connection
between client’s O365 installation and iLobby.
After navigating to the link, client will be presented with the
following screens:
Account Selection
This screen will allow the client to select
the user account with which the integration link will be established:
Permissions Screen
Once account is selected, iLobby will need to
be authorized and granted the permissions required to access the contents of
customer’s Office 365 installation:

Application List
iLobby can now be managed in the list of
installed applications and services under Enterprise Applications list within
the Management tab of your Office 365 management portal: